Just like the United Kingdom, many Australian universities are also accredited to provide legal education to students looking to study Canadian law abroad. Australia has some of the finest state-of-the-art legal skills centres built to provide an exceptional experience that goes beyond traditional theoretical learning. Every year, Australian Law Schools accept up to150 Canadian students to each university.

Australian Law Schools have options for a Bachelor of Laws (LL.B.) and the Juris Doctor (JD). Entry into the JD is restricted to Canadian students who have a post secondary education, while the LL.B program is available to students who have not yet completed a Bachelor’s degree in Canada.

Similar to the UK, Canadian students wishing to specialize in a specific area of law can undertake specialization studies by enrolling in the Masters of Law programs. Moreover, students enrolled in the JD program can apply their electives and gain advance standing to fast-track their LLM studies.

Graduates from Australian Law Schools reported to have been prescribed five exams only, which may change in the future. The five exams are: Constitutional Law, Criminal Law, Administrative Law, Foundations of Canadian Law, and Canadian Professional Conduct.

Unlike several of the UK Law Schools, Australian Law Schools offer Administrative Law and Foundations of Canadian Law as electives which help with the NCA exams upon returning to Canada. Moreover, some Law Schools also offer Canadian Professional Conduct as a seminar and not a graded class, as a complimentary course for Canadians studying abroad.

To find out more on how to apply to an Australian Law School, please click the link below: